Saturday, April 4, 2015


400m Run
50 Jumping Jacks
Then 3 rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
5 Push ups
5 Squats

2 min Squat hold

Then 3 rounds of:
5 Toes to Bar (or Knees above 90)
10 Push ups
10 Squats (LOW)

Strength WOD
Crossfit Total:
Back Squat (must go below parallel) 
Shoulder Press (no legs)
Deadlift (full hip ext.)

For time:
Pull Ups
Box Jumps

Only do the Strength WOD if you have time. If you need to leave early, go straight to the main WOD.

For the Crossfit Total (CFT) you get 3 attempts to set a 1rm for each lift. Then move on to the next. At the end, add up the 3 1rm scores to get your CFT.
For the first attempt, go for something that you are confident that you will get.
For the 2nd attempt, go for something you will probably get.
If you make the 2nd, you can go for something a bit heavier.

Stay safe. Use good form, spotter arms, and remember that injuries suck more than a failed attempt.

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