Saturday, May 10, 2014

Pick Your Poison

3 Min on Bike, Treadmill, or Rower
Then 2 times through:
15 Pass Throughs
10 sec HS Hold
5 Pull Ups
15 Squats
10 Hollow Rocks
5 Push Press (light bar)
1 min Front Rack stretch (I'll show you this one)
1 min Squat Hold

Team WOD:
“Pick Your Poison”
In teams of 3 complete five of the following skills. Each team must complete 120 reps of each skill before moving to the next station. You choose who works on reps, holds, and rests as well as how often to switch. If the person holding stops, you must all switch.

Sit-ups / Dip hold
Wall Balls / Hand stand hold
Shoulder to Overhead / Deadlift hold
HR Push-ups / Farmer Carry hold
Box Jumps / Handstand hold
KB Swings / Plank
Burpees / Hollow rock hold"

10-15 min

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