Friday, May 23, 2014

DB Snatch & Double Unders

800m Run
50 Jumping Jacks
50' Bear Crawl
50' Crab Walk
25 Pass Throughs
25 Squats
2 Rope Climbs

Follow your strength schedule.
See the note below. 

7 Rounds
7 - Dumbbell Power Snatch Left Arm (55/35)
7 - Dumbbell Power Snatch Right Arm (55/35)
40 - Double Unders (or Tuck Jumps)

Rollers & Lax balls
Make this a habit! 

We're following "Wendler 5/3/1" which uses 4 big lifts (1 per day). 
You can set your numbers here: 5/3/1/calculator
There are lots of options to customize it, but for now, don't do any "joker sets" or "down sets." Go with "Boring but Big" and set the "Boring but Big Options" at "50%." You may be tempted to mess with the other options, but don't. Keep it simple for now and focus on setting new rep records on your "+" sets. After 1 cycle, you may increase your training maxes by 5 pounds for the upper body lifts and 10 pounds for the lower body lifts. 
Let me know if you need help.

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