Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lumberjack 20

Results from last month
2 Rounds
400m run
1x Cindy
10 Pass Throughs
10Good Mornings
10 Hollow Rocks


ME Pull Up- 1rm

Lumberjack 20

For Time:
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
Today's results! Lots of improvement!
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

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