Friday, May 22, 2015

Light Work

400m Run
50 Jumping Jacks
Then 3 rounds of:
3 Front Squats @45 or 65
4 Pull Ups
5 Push ups

Then 3 rounds of:
3 DB Ground to overhead @25 or 35
3 Burpee Box Jumps
13 Back ext. or Good mornings

Skill Work
Clean & Jerk
Light weight, just working on form. No more than 15 reps total.

What you do today depends on whether or not you plan on racing the 5k tomorrow.

Racing: run 800m at a relaxed pace. Then stretch or do 5 minutes of mobility work. Finish with 3 x 100m of quick running (you should be moving fast, but not springing. Probably the speed you used for the mile time trial). Hydrate. refuel, rest.

Not racing: 20-40 minutes of easy running. Head out anywhere you want. DO NOT decide how long you will run until you hit 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can decide if you feel like turning back or if you want to go for another 5-10 minutes before turning back.

Easy day. 10-20 minutes of light cardio 

You've been working hard, so today should be recovery.

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