Monday, June 1, 2015


You need to have a baseline in order to measure progress. This should be your first task this summer. Measure your maxes in the big lifts. For endurance, we'll use 1 mile and we'll do it twice. Run it as fast as you can, rest for 4 minutes and then run it again. It is OK if your "mile" isn't perfectly measured. It's fine as long as it's close and you can use it again to measure your progress later this summer. 

Those are the essential pieces, but adding 1 more for overall conditioning would be great. You could pick a WOD that you've done before or one that has some movements that you want included in your baseline. Fran is a good one. Jackie is another, but you need a rower. 5 minutes of burpees is a great baseline, but not many of us can choose to do 5 minutes of burpees. 

Start a workout journal to record your progress over the summer. The work load I'm posting today could be done over 2 or even 3 days if you choose. Just make sure you give your best effort

400m row or run
15 back ext.
15 sit ups
10 Pass throughs
2 rounds of Cindy 

Make sure everything is working smoothly. 

Crossfit Total (CFT)
3 attempts at a 1rm for each:
Back Squat
Shoulder Press

If you have another big lift you want added to your baseline, now's the time. Also, while the CFT only records your best of 3 attempts, you should feel free to give it an extra attempt or 2 if needed to find your real 1rm. Make sure you only count reps with proper form. Once it turns to garbage, you're done. Do not go to failure.

Run 1 mile
Rest 4 minutes
Run 1 mile

Make sure to record both times. Do not hold back on the 1st one. Give it your best on both!

Probably best to do this several hours after the other parts or even tomorrow in order to use it as a baseline. 
For time:
1000m Row
50 thrusters @45#
30 pull ups 

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