Sunday, July 13, 2014


Yesterday was a lot of fun. The day started with the Dam Triathlon. Our team, "Young Life" brought all our fans and we all had a great time. Andy swam and was a few minutes faster than his time last year. His transition seemed to go smoothly and he had a solid bike leg, catching a couple of teams along the way. I had a pretty good run leg. It went better than I expected. We finished 2nd in our division and 4th overall. 

We then headed out on the water for a day of fishing! We caught mackerel and then used them to catch stripers! We got 1 keeper and kept some good size mackerel too. We grilled some of each for dinner. It was a great day!

Today, rest. However, learn to listen to your body. Take the rest you need, but know when you're ready to be pushed and can handle some more work. If you feel rested after yesterday (the TT went fine, but you're ready for a WOD or longer work), you can add some work. Don't forget that tomorrow is the start of 5/3/1 week 3. 

15 Back Ext.
2 Turkish getups each side
400m run or row 
50' 1 Arm Farmers carry R. then L.
10 Back ext. 
10 Pass throughs
10 OH Squats (PVC)
50 sit ups 

Stretch & Roll whatever needs some attention. Go for glutes & hams if you can't decide.


For time:
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 back extensions
50 wall-ball shots
50 box jumps

Long run or recovery run. Easy pace, medium or long distance. 

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