Wednesday, July 16, 2014

400m repeats & Tabata

The display on the rower wasn't working yesterday, so I had to go with an estimate for the row portion of "Jackie." I'll bring some batteries today and see if that's what it is. Although, I tried that the last time and that wasn't it.... we'll see.

50 sit ups 
2 min on the rower or bike
10 OH Squats (PVC)
10 KB Swings (light)
10 Pull Ups (narrow grip)
10 Back Ext. 
1/1 Turkish Getup (slow with a medium weight)

Roller on your IT bands. 2 min per side. 

Wed or Thurs: Week 3 Back Squat
One day, lift. The other day is off.


"Tabata Something Else"
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups

400m repeats with 90 seconds of rest. 
Try 3 good ones. Then get as many as you can until your pace falls apart. 
Don't hold back on your pace. These should be fast!

Note: I'm hoping for a good effort on the 400s, but I also want a good 1+ set for the squats, so I'll try to separate those by several hours. Hopefully I'll get to the gym in the morning (after getting the dogs out for a while) and then hit Carr Field in the evening, once the temperature drops a bit. 

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