Tuesday, July 22, 2014

100 L-Pull Ups

1 min Jump Rope
50 sit ups 
1min Jump Rope
3 rounds of:
5 Toes to Bar
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Roller on your IT bands. 2 min per side. 

5/3/1 Week 4 Shoulder Press

For time:
100 L-Pull Ups

2 x 12 minute intervals with 5 min rest.
Try to keep moving (easy walking or jogging) during the rest. Force your body to recover while moving. If they both go well and you're up for another, go for it.

Note: Yesterday was tough. The hang squat cleans took a long time. I went with 115  and it's good that I did or I might still be there. I used the hook grip. 

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