Monday, July 7, 2014

OH Squat/ Pull Ups

10 Back ext. 
10 Pass throughs
10 OH Squats (PVC)
400m run or row (In the gym, the C2 monitor isn't working. Not sure what's wrong. I tried changing the batteries)
10 Back ext. 
10 Pass throughs
10 OH Squats (PVC)
50 sit ups 

Lightly roll out your legs. 

Week 2 Dead lift
Because of the long run yesterday, it's likely that you won't hit the numbers that you're hoping for today. That's fine. Just keep that in mind as it gets heavy. 

21 - 15 - 9
Overhead Squat (115/75)
Chest to Bar Pul Ups

Scale as needed. 

A little pickup soccer or 20 minutes easy if everything feels good. The legs might be pretty low on energy by then (mostly depending on yesterday). Don't overdo it.

The long run was good yesterday. I went late, once the temperature started to drop. I cruised around the Blackwater trails a bit and then headed up to Balanced Rock. Going across to the Bulkhead was slow as the trail is tough to follow in spots. There were ravens hanging out on the Bulkhead cliffs. I took my time on the way down to keep from taking any bad falls. Had a great recovery drink at home made of some pomegranate lemonade, frozen grapes, chia seeds, and some protein powder.

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