Friday, May 31, 2013

Weekend WOD 5/1

Congratulations Seniors!

Weekend WOD
400m row or run
20 back ext
20 sit ups

15 squats
10 pass throughs 

1/1 Turkish getup 

The "pass through" is the basic shoulder stretch with a stick or strap.

Complete 5 rounds (each for time) of:
20x pull ups
30x push ups
40x sit ups
50x air squats
*Rest 3 minutes between each round.

4 mile run. Pick up the pace. Think about 75% of your (current) 5k pace.

5/3/1 Week 3
Bench press

If you're not on a 5/3/1 schedule, but you want to focus on strength, you can work on bench press. You will need a spotter. Work up to a 1 rep max (1rm) and record it. Sart with a few reps at light weights for form practice and warmup. Then increase the weight until you find a weight where you can do 1 rep, but don't think you could go higher. You don't need to hit failure. This will be your 1rm. Record it!

Spend 5 minutes going through the stretches you know. 
Look for tight spots and work on them.

Last thought
Congratulations seniors!

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