Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday WOD

Friday WOD

400m row or run
20 back ext
20 sit ups

15 squats
10 pass throughs

1/1 Turkish getup 

Keep working the turkish getup. It's a good one. 

If you ran yesterday, take today off. Do the conditioning WOD instead. If not, go for 20 minutes. 

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups (put your feet up on a box if you don't have a H.S. Push-up)
Ring dips (Do regular dips if you don't have rings)
Push-ups (Keep your body straight. Go from your knees if needed)

Record your time and scale. I will leave a set of rings set up on the main squat rack for anyone that wants to use them (probably around 12:30 or 1).
Make sure you find a good scale for all your exercises. (H.S. Push-ups are tough!)

5/3/1/ Week 3 

If you're not on a 5/3/1 schedule, but you want to focus on strength, you can work on deadlift. Work up to a 1 rep max (1rm) and record it. Sart with a few reps at light weights for form practice and warmup. Then increase the weight until you think your form would suffer at the next weight. Do not let your form fail. Stop before it does
After the warmup it should go something like this: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

Last thought
Some of you know a bunch of this stuff and others might have a ton of questions. That's fine! Ask away. Also, if you're interested in a group workout, send me a note. We're trying to schedule something for those that are interested. 
Don't forget about the journal!

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