Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday (last exam!)

Thursday- Finish your last exam and pack your room. Once you get home, unpack and get out your workout clothes. Start the summer right!

Thursday WOD

400m row or run
20 back ext
20 sit ups

15 squats
10 pass throughs

1/1 Turkish getup 

Learn the turkish getup if you don't know it. It's a great one that works everything. Form is the most important thing!

Front Squat: Work on form to warm up. Then increase weight until your form deteriorates. 
Your last lift with perfect form is your new 1rep max (1rm).
Then do 5 sets of 1 rep  at 85% of your 1rm

Squats benefit all athletes. It's a functional multijoint exercise. You'll want to get good at it. Start light and use excellent form. 

10 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
8 Front Squats (@65%-80% of your 1rm)
24 Tuck Jumps

20 min run at home! 

Last thing
Start a journal. Use something that you will enjoy. A notebook, spreadsheet, iPad, whatever. Make it enjoyable and write down what you did today with notes. It doesn't seem important now, but it will if you do workouts like this again, you'll be able to see what you did and how much faster and stronger you are. 

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