Friday, May 31, 2013

Weekend WOD 5/1

Congratulations Seniors!

Weekend WOD
400m row or run
20 back ext
20 sit ups

15 squats
10 pass throughs 

1/1 Turkish getup 

The "pass through" is the basic shoulder stretch with a stick or strap.

Complete 5 rounds (each for time) of:
20x pull ups
30x push ups
40x sit ups
50x air squats
*Rest 3 minutes between each round.

4 mile run. Pick up the pace. Think about 75% of your (current) 5k pace.

5/3/1 Week 3
Bench press

If you're not on a 5/3/1 schedule, but you want to focus on strength, you can work on bench press. You will need a spotter. Work up to a 1 rep max (1rm) and record it. Sart with a few reps at light weights for form practice and warmup. Then increase the weight until you find a weight where you can do 1 rep, but don't think you could go higher. You don't need to hit failure. This will be your 1rm. Record it!

Spend 5 minutes going through the stretches you know. 
Look for tight spots and work on them.

Last thought
Congratulations seniors!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday WOD

Friday WOD

400m row or run
20 back ext
20 sit ups

15 squats
10 pass throughs

1/1 Turkish getup 

Keep working the turkish getup. It's a good one. 

If you ran yesterday, take today off. Do the conditioning WOD instead. If not, go for 20 minutes. 

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups (put your feet up on a box if you don't have a H.S. Push-up)
Ring dips (Do regular dips if you don't have rings)
Push-ups (Keep your body straight. Go from your knees if needed)

Record your time and scale. I will leave a set of rings set up on the main squat rack for anyone that wants to use them (probably around 12:30 or 1).
Make sure you find a good scale for all your exercises. (H.S. Push-ups are tough!)

5/3/1/ Week 3 

If you're not on a 5/3/1 schedule, but you want to focus on strength, you can work on deadlift. Work up to a 1 rep max (1rm) and record it. Sart with a few reps at light weights for form practice and warmup. Then increase the weight until you think your form would suffer at the next weight. Do not let your form fail. Stop before it does
After the warmup it should go something like this: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

Last thought
Some of you know a bunch of this stuff and others might have a ton of questions. That's fine! Ask away. Also, if you're interested in a group workout, send me a note. We're trying to schedule something for those that are interested. 
Don't forget about the journal!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday (last exam!)

Thursday- Finish your last exam and pack your room. Once you get home, unpack and get out your workout clothes. Start the summer right!

Thursday WOD

400m row or run
20 back ext
20 sit ups

15 squats
10 pass throughs

1/1 Turkish getup 

Learn the turkish getup if you don't know it. It's a great one that works everything. Form is the most important thing!

Front Squat: Work on form to warm up. Then increase weight until your form deteriorates. 
Your last lift with perfect form is your new 1rep max (1rm).
Then do 5 sets of 1 rep  at 85% of your 1rm

Squats benefit all athletes. It's a functional multijoint exercise. You'll want to get good at it. Start light and use excellent form. 

10 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
8 Front Squats (@65%-80% of your 1rm)
24 Tuck Jumps

20 min run at home! 

Last thing
Start a journal. Use something that you will enjoy. A notebook, spreadsheet, iPad, whatever. Make it enjoyable and write down what you did today with notes. It doesn't seem important now, but it will if you do workouts like this again, you'll be able to see what you did and how much faster and stronger you are. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wednesday 5/29/13

400m row
20 back ext
20 sit ups
10 pass throughs
1/1 Turkish getup

21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (215)
Box Jumps (30")

20 min trail run

Week 3
5/3/1  Shoulder press


Recover, refuel, relax.

If you didn't do "Murph" yesterday, you can go back and do a WOD that you haven't done or you could do 5/3/1 Shoulder press.

Other than that, rest.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

400m Row
50 Jumping Jacks
25 Back Ext.
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps
5 Hollow Rocks

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Pull ups, push ups, and squats may be divided as needed.

If you want to read more about Michael Murphy and his SEAL team, check out the book "Lone Survivor," by Marcus Luttrell.  Marcus was the one member of the team that survived Operation Redwing. 

Sunday 5/26/2013

400m row
Then 3 rounds of:
10 squats
5 toes to bar
1/1 Turkish getup

10 minutes of work

Memorial Day "Murph" is tomorrow.
If you're feeling great and want to get to the gym, this would be a good day to work on form and maybe set your 1rm for a new set of 5/3/1.

"Crossfit Total"
Shoulder Press

You get 3 chances with each lift. You count only the best one and then add all 3 together at the end.

I'll be in the weight room from 2-3 today.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Saturday 5/25/13

3 rounds
400m run for form
Karaoke (stay light & quick)
10 Squats
10 Arm circles (or pass throughs if you have a stick or strap)

Run 5k

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Friday 5/24/13

3 Rounds for form
10 Pass throughs
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sit Ups
10 sec H.S. Hold
1 Karaoke

10 min muscle up progression and ring work

Alternative WOD
If you are not planning on racing tomorrow try this....
For time:
30 Burpee Muscle ups

If you can't do a scaled muscle up, you can do:
30 Burpees
60 Pull ups
90 Dips

10 min work on hips, ankles, &

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thursday 5/23/13

400m Row or Run
20 Squats
20 Back ext.
10 Push ups
5 Toes 2 Bar
2 karaoke

"The Seven" Seven rounds of:
7 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps
7 Knees to elbows
245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
7 Pull-ups

We'll set this up to do as a team. Each member will take a station and we'll rotate. Be sure to set up your scales before we start. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wednesday 5/22/13

400m Row or Run
20 Squats
20 Back ext.
10 Push ups
5 Toes 2 Bar
2 karaoke

25 burpees
run 400m with med ball
25 "weighted" pull-ups
run 400m with med ball
25 handstand pushups
run 400m with med ball
25 C2B pull-ups
run 400m with med ball
25 burpees.

5/3/1 Week 2
Back Squat

U.S. Army First Lieutenant Dimitri Del Castillo, 24, of Tampa, FL, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Schofield Barracks, HI, died on June 25, 2011, in Kunar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire. 

He is survived by his wife Katie, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Del Castillo, his brother Carlos Andres and sister Anna. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tuesday 5/21/13

50 Jumping Jacks
10 sec. H.S. Hold
5 Chest slap push ups
10 Back ext. or Good mornings
10 Dips

ME: Pull Up
Increase weight each rep to find your 1rm.

Wall Ball Shots
Toes 2 Bar

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Monday 5/20/13

Kettlebell Swing
3 rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
1 karaoke
5 toes 2 bar
10 sec handstand holds
15 Back ext. or Good Mornings with 45#Bar

3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 DB Swing
12 Pull Ups

5/3/1 Week 2
Shoulder Press

This is the same WOD that the Crossfit mainsite has for today, so you can compare yourself to the rest of the Crossfit world.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunday 5/19


Listen to your body. If you did every workout this week, today must be rest. If you've had two or more days off this week, it would be OK to do a WOD that you missed or get out and do something active. Go for a hike. Play a game of pickup basketball or soccer. 

Friday, May 17, 2013


Team WOD
100' Crab Walk
27 Mountain Climbers
7 Thrusters with a bar
7 Hollow Rocks
7 Toes 2 Bar
2/2 Turkish Getup

Team WOD:
Teams of 3 for time
A. Together: Run 400m, then each person does 25 Burpees.

B. Then as a team (with only 1 person working at a time) complete:
100 pull ups
200 sit ups
300 squats
200 DB Swings (Pick something heavy, but not crushing. 35-55 should be good)
100 Box Jumps (24")

C. Together: Run 400m, then each person does 25 Burpees.

5/3/1 Deadlift Week 2

Post results, modifications or anything else to comments.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Miko Salo
Warmup/ Abs
5 pull ups
20 In & Out Crunches
20 Fwd Bicycles
20 Rev Bicycles
5 Pull ups
10 Wide leg sit ups
10 Sit up / V ups
5 Pull ups
15 Hip raises
15 Heels to the Heavens
5 Pull Ups
20 Scissors
20 Leg climbers
5 pull ups
20 Oblique Crunches Right
20 Oblique Crunches Left
50 Mason twists
5 Pull Ups

5 rounds for time:
50' Walking Lunge with overhead weight 
21 Burpees

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


A little speed today!
2 rounds of:
1 Wall Walk
1/1 Turkish getup
3 candle sticks
4 pull ups
5 box jumps
6 dips
7 DB Swings
8 Overhead Squat

6 rounds for time of:
15 Squat Jump
10 Hand Release Push-Up
5 Pull-Up
100' Bear Crawl
15 Sit-Up

12 x T.C. Hills


3 rounds of:
This is how low a squat should go.
10Back ext.
5 toes 2 bar
1 karaoke
10 sec handstand holds
1/1 Turkish Getup

Push ups
Tuck Jumps
Pull ups
Sit ups

5/3/1 Bench Press
Week 1

For the "Tabata" do as many reps as possible in 20 seconds.
Then rest for only 10 seconds. Repeat this 8 times (totaling 4 minutes) for each exercise.
Then take a 1 minute break before starting the next exercise.
There is also a special way to score a "Tabata."
Of the 8 rounds, you take the lowest number of reps that you did and that's your score.
Add your score for each exercise to get your total score for the WOD.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


3 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
20 sit ups
2 karaoke
3x 10 sec handstand holds

ME: Deadlift
Build up to a 2rm

AMRAP 12 min:
12 box jumps
6 Thrusters (we'll use dumbbells)
6 bar facing burpees.

Compare to 4/6/13

Post time and Thruster weight to comments.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Why can't you workout today?
row or run 400m
20 push ups
20 back extensions
20 sit ups
5 pull ups
Karaoke x 2

Skill work: 5 sets of 3 Toes 2 Bar

For time:
Wall Ball Shots
Toes 2 Bar

(Compare to 4/5/13 for those that have been working out with me this spring)

5/3/1 Back Squat Wk 1
(Let me know if you need help calculating this)

Work Capacity
Bike 30 min

Post results to comments.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Proctor WOD...

Just starting the Proctor WOD blog. Hopefully this will help Proctor folks stay connected and moving forward in our journey to become better humans. I'll post workouts to follow this summer and anyone is invited to post their results in the comments. We'll see where this goes...

If you're playing a sport this spring, that's great. If your waiting for the summer to start to get in shape, don't wait! Get moving today! The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be become a better you!
