Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Burpees/ Wall Ball/ HSC

If you have questions or if you need help, shoot me a note or post to comments. 


400m row or run
15 back ext.
15 sit ups
Then 3 rounds of:
5 Toes to Bar
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

2 body parts. 2 Minutes each. 

Off (make sure you've done week 1 Shoulder Press) 

3 Rounds
21 - Burpees
21 - Wall Balls (20/14)
21 - Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)

20 Minute bike or run at conversation pace. If you run, check your cadence every few minutes. Try to get a minimum of 45 strides per 30 seconds (counting 1 foot each time it hits the ground).

Athletes, if you don't have access to a barbell, but you live near campus, shoot me an email and we'll figure something out. If you haven't done your baseline, do that 1st.

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