Wednesday, June 11, 2014

4 minute Blasts

Long intervals today. This will work your mental toughness just as much or even more than your endurance. We'll do this again, so use a course that you're familiar with.
2 minutes of jump rope
3 rounds of: 
10 squats 
20 sit ups 
10 pass throughs 
5 pull-ups 
10 push-ups
15 kettlebell swings (very light)

Roll out the legs. Work on hip & ankle mobility.


Off or work on your Clean & Jerk form.
Clean & Jerk EMOM (every minute on the minute)
5 x1 @ 50%, 5 x1 @60%, 5 x1 @70%

4 minute blasts
Run 4 minutes hard (don't hold back), rest 2 min of easy jogging or walking. Repeat 3-8 times.
These are best done back and forth on a stretch of trail or road that's similar each way. That way you can see if you're able to cover the same distance or if you're fatiguing and unable to hold the pace.
Do them until you can no longer cover the distance in 4 minutes. 

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