Monday, June 30, 2014

5/3/1 New cycle

We're back! If you've been on track with 5/3/1, we're going to start a new cycle today. If you haven't been doing it, now's a great time to start. If everything is going well, you can bump up the maxes you use for calculating (5# for upper body and 10# for lower body). If you're not hitting your "+" numbers, then you can go with your current numbers. 

It's warm out, but don't let that fool you into shortening your warmup. 
400m row (or run) 
3 rounds of Cindy (take your time & use good form)
20 back ext.
20 kettlebell swings (very light)
50 sit ups (How about 50 sit ups a day for the month of July?)

Pick 2 muscle groups and spend 2-3 minutes on each.

5/3/1 Week 1 Deadlift

For time:
4 rounds for time of:
50-calorie row
40 GHD sit-ups (Use the "bench" method or the "bosu ball" method)
30 pull-ups

Run 20-30 minutes.... then play some pickup soccer! Or if you're endurance isn't there yet, pick 1 or the other. Stay hydrated!

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