Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015 regionals event 3

400m row
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 back ext
20 sit ups
15 back ext
10 push press
5 toes to bar
For time:
1-mile run
50 overhead squats (135 / 95 lb.)
100 GHD sit-ups
150 double-unders (300 singles would be OK as a sub)
50 sumo deadlift high pulls (135 / 95 lb.) (Sub with Clean if you are not proficient at this)
100 box jump overs (24 / 18 in.)

Note: The weights and measures posted were rx for the Crossfit Regionals this year. Do NOT go that heavy. Keep it reasonable so that you can do it with good form. 

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