Friday, April 25, 2014

Thrusters & Burpees

That was easy. What else you got?
400m run 
3 rounds of Cindy

Then 3 rounds of: 
3 candle sticks
9 box jumps
15 Back ext. 

ME: Turkish getup

For Time

We worked up to our best turkish getup possible. Some that arrived late never got to push it too much, but those that did really worked hard to keep their form solid. Nathan hit 80#! I got 65# but I had to have perfect form to get it. 

The WOD was fun. Some used barbells and others used dumbbells. Overall, I think the weights were heavier than when we did Fran earlier in the term. For me, I think pausing to rest at the top of each thruster helped me get further before I needed to break. 

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