Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lumberjack 20

Today we're going to do a hero WOD called Lumberjack 20. It's named after athletes from Lumberjack Crossfit near Fort Hood in Texas who were also members of the 20th Engineer Battalion.

Lumberjack 20
For Time:
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

We're doing this with the Strength & Conditioning group after some heavy back squats. So, we'll probably be scaling. I'd like to try rx'd, but I'm working on a shoulder issue, so OH squats might have to get scaled for me. Everything will be an option an it will all need to get figured out during the warmup.
Here's how it turned out.
Anyone that struggled with the OH squats switched to thrusters. The deadlifts were heavy for most, but the other weights were very manageable. We also had to run up a hill to get to our box jumps, which were probably higher than 24". It's a big tire and I'll measure it the next time I'm there with a tape measure.

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