Thursday, April 24, 2014

Team Run

400m run 
3 rounds of Cindy

Then 3 rounds of: 
3 candle sticks
9 box jumps
15 Back ext. 

Bridge to tunnel loop run.
Carrying team med balls and need to do team pull ups at the halfway point. 

There were 9 of us for the run and we took 4 med balls (12,10, 8, and 6#). When we hit the river pull up bar, we did a total of 90 pull ups before continuing the run. We finished in 28:35, but could have gone faster with some better teamwork in the 2nd half. 

Next time we should trade off the med balls more often (maybe every minute or 2). We could also make it a group competition instead of a team challenge. Burpees on the field would also be a great addition. 

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