Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Tire Jumps.... and a good comparison of correct and incorrect form.
400m row or run
30 sit ups
20 back ext.
10 Lunges
5 Hollow rocks
5 pull ups
5/5 dumbbell Snatches (Light weight for form)
15 Squats (deep)
100m karaoke

Power Snatch @75
Box Jump 24"
Thruster @75
C2B Pull Ups

This is done in the "Fight Gone Bad" format. With a continuous clock, do 1 movement per minute, then rotate to the next movement. Rest 1 minute after all 5 movements are done (5 minutes of work). Then repeat for 3 or 5 rounds. Score is total number of reps completed.

We did 5 rounds. Since we have limited space and gear, we split into groups and each group started with a different movement. We also had to share bars for thrusters and power snatches, so we had to go pretty light with those. I used 65 for thrusters and 55 for the snatches.

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