Tuesday, April 15, 2014

10 min AMRAP

Power Snatch
3 Tire Jumps
1 round Cindy with Box Squats
10 Pass throughs
1 rd Cindy with OH Squats
10 Burpees
1 rd Cindy with OH Squats
3 Tire Jumps

Week 2

10 min AMRAP
10 - Burpees
20 - KB Swings (53/35)
30 - Sit Ups

Let's run some hills!

The WOD went well. We've done the same workout in a different format, so it was familiar. Most seemed to be working well. Then we headed out to the tennis court road and ran 4 x 100m up that hill. Then we finished with 2 x full hill, which is probably 130 meters. It felt pretty cold for the first couple of intervals. It was in the 30's, but since it was almost 70 just two days ago, it felt extra cold.

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