Friday, June 7, 2013

Weekend WOD 6/8, 6/9

200 Jump rope (or 2 min)
50 sit ups
40 back ext.

50 bent over twists (with a stick) 
50 side to side bends (with a stick)
10 Knees to elbows

For Time:
35 DB Swings @ 55/35
Row 1k
35 DB Swings @ 70/55

Running 1 mile is a good substitute for rowing today. 

Run 5 miles. 1st mile at a relaxed pace, miles 2-4 cruising, and mile 5 relaxed again. Pick somewhere with some interesting terrain if you want. 

None, but this is a good time to make your plan for the upcoming week. If you're interested in 5/3/1, run your calculations, or ask for help. If you're going with something else, this is the time to make the plan. 

Last thought
Get some rest. Refuel and hydrate. Check your journal and make sure it's up to date. 


  1. Quick one, but lung cruncher: 8:43 (db 45lbs and then 60 lbs) - second set of db swings took a while...

  2. 8:47 as rx'd
    Glutes were feeling the pistols from the day before.
