Monday, June 3, 2013

Tuesday 6/4

200 Jump rope (or 2 min)
50 sit ups
40 back ext.

50 bent over twists (with a stick behind your head)
50 side to side bends (with a stick overhead in snatch grip)
Then 2 set of :
5 pull ups
10 push ups
5 Dumbbell swings (light weight focus on form)

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Dumbbell swings @ 55lbs
12 Pull-ups

This is a benchmark workout. Make sure to record your time and scale. 

Monday or Tuesday (NOT Both)
4 minute intervals: Run 4 min fast, then rest for 3 minutes. 
Resting can be anything from total rest, to light running depending on your needs. 
Pay attention to how far you go in 4 minutes. Do as many intervals as you can until you are no longer  able to cover the same distance. (minimum of 3 intervals)

5/3/1/ Week 4
Shoulder press

If you're not on a 5/3/1 schedule, but you want to focus on strength, you can work on shoulder press. Work up to a 1 rep max (1rm) and record it. Sart with a few reps at light weights for form practice and warmup. Then increase the weight until you hit your max.
After the warmup it should go something like this: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Somewhere in the singles is where you should hit that 1rm.

Last thought
I'll be in the weight room after the faculty meeting today for anyone that wants to join me for "Helen." 


  1. 16:37
    Running <7:00
    KB Swings- 44.5lbs
    Pull-ups- Assisted @12

  2. It was a good day to set baselines for the summer
    Ale 13.36
    Andrew 10.46
    Dave 13.36
    Mark 13.30
    Ross 8.16
    Scott 11.?

    I didn't get all the scales. Some scaled DB weight. Some scaled pull ups.
