Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday 5/11

200' Karaoke 
50 bent over twists (with a stick)
50 side to side bends (with a stick)
40 Sit ups
20 push ups
20 Back ext. 
3x through the following:
3 candle sticks
10 air squats
10 sec handstand holds
100 single unders

Your Choice!
“Cindy” AMRAP 20:00
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
“Mary” AMRAP 20:00
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats (per leg)
15 Pull ups

Shoulder Press
5/3/1 Week 1 or
Working up to a heavy double  

Monday or Tuesday 
17 minutes out, faster back. This is an "out and back" run. Head out in 1 direction or along a route for 17 minutes. Wherever you are at 17 minutes, turn around and get back to the start in less than 17 minutes. 

This kind of workout is great for learning pacing. 

Last thought
There are lots of things that can be important in a fitness program. At the top of the list is consistency. Without it, the best plan is meaningless. 

Update: I've been rescheduled today. I'll be at the weight room at 6 for anyone interested in joining in. 


  1. Ross, these are AWESOME work-outs! I can't wait to get into the weight room with ya'all! Thanks for all the work!

  2. Ross, I did my first handstand today!!! Woohoo!

  3. I picked "Mary" and got 8 rounds + 7 reps. HS push ups weren't too bad but the pistols were tough. They ate up most of my time and I had to hold on to a strap. I'm already feeling it.
