Thursday, June 6, 2013

Friday 6/7

Single-legged Squats
400m row or run
30 sit ups
20 back ext.

10 Lunges
5 Hollow rocks 
5 pull ups
5/5 dumbbell Snatches (Light weight for form)
15 Squats
100m karaoke


For time:
100 Wall balls (20/14 lbs to a 10’ target)
100 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
100 One-legged squats, alternating legs
100 One-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating arms (70/50 lbs)
Time cap: 25 minutes

This one was a Crossfit regional competition WOD this year. You can scale the squats by holding onto a rope tied to the rack. IF you finish, you record your time, if you hit the 25 minute time cap, you can decide to record the reps that you completed by that time, or you can keep going and see how long it takes to do the whole thing. I think it's best to make the decision before you start, because once we get going, you know everything is going to say "enough!"
Also, if you're not comfortable with the snatch, go light and pay attention to getting the right form down. 
Here's the Dumbbell Snatch.

5/3/1/ Week 4
Bench Press

If you're not on a 5/3/1 schedule, but you want to focus on strength, you can work on bench press. Work up to a 1 rep max (1rm) and record it. Sart with a few reps at light weights for form practice and warmup. Then increase the weight until you hit your max.
After the warmup it should go something like this: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Somewhere in the singles is where you should hit that 1rm.

Thursday or Friday 
100m karaoke (50m each side)
1 min intervals with 45 sec rest. Go until your pace falls off or your form falls apart. (minimum of 4, shoot for 8)

These kinds of intervals are great to do back and forth over a course so that you can pay attention to how far you are going and you will notice when your pace falls off when you can't cover the same distance anymore. 

Last thought
Feel free to share this with anyone that might be interested. I have only shared it with those that have asked, but it's open to anyone. I just didn't want to pester everyone as if I were recruiting. I'm happy to share and help if I can. 


  1. I had to do a ton of scaling on this one. I started with the heavy wall ball, but by 50 it was very tough because it had no bounce off the wall. So I switched to one a couple of pounds lighter that had a predictable bounce.

    For the pull ups, I died out on chest to bar somewhere around 25. After that I just did regular chin over bar.

    For the pistols (single legged squats) I had to hold onto a strap that I had tied to the squat rack.

    I scaled the DB snatch to 50 and I switched hands every 5 after the 1st 10.

    I finished in 30:43 and had done up to 43 DB snatch at 25 minutes. Tough one. They were all movements that I need to work on.

  2. Took me forever!
    Total time ~50
    Thrusters instead of wall balls with 45lb bar
    1 leg squats holding onto wall/door frame
    Snatch with 20lb to focus on form
    Pull-ups assisted at 14
    Got through 20-30 snatches at 25 min then had pull-ups and rest of snatches to do
