Monday, June 24, 2013

Endurance WODs 6/24

A week of endurance WODs...

Monday/ Tuesday
Run: 3 x 1200m TT

Thursday/ Friday

Run: 3 x (100m + 200m + 400m) Rest 1:1

Saturday/ Sunday

Run: 5mi TT, rest 5:00, then 2 x 1mi @ 5k TT pace, rest 2:00 between

Conditioning WODs 6/24

Another post of a full week of conditioning WODs.

"Fran" For Time: 21-15-9 Thrusters (95), Pull ups

3 rounds for time: 
Squat Jump x 15 
Hand Release Push-Up x 10 
Pull-Up x 5 
Bear Crawl x 100' 
Sit-Up x 15

Cindy: 20 Min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 Squats


5 - Push Press (135/95)
50m - Shuttle Run

1000m Row
50 Thrusters @45#bar
30 Pull ups

Monday, June 17, 2013

Travel WODs 6/17

Check the conditioning WODs post 1st.

Try these travel WODs if you're away from the gym and looking for something to to.

4 rounds of:
Run 400m

50 squats

As many reps as possible in 7 minutes:


This one is a great benchmark!

5 rounds of:
100 jumping jacks
100 mountain climbers


4 rounds of:
25 lunges
50 squats

10 rounds of:
30 seconds handstand
30 seconds isometric squat
Score is cummulative time.

Endurance WODs 6/17

Check out the other post from today if you haven't already.

Monday/ Tuesday
Run 6:00 of 100m sprints on 0:30, rest 3:00, 4:00 of 100m sprints on 0:30, rest 2:00, 2:00 of 100m sprints on 0:30

So, every 30 seconds you need to start another 100m sprint.

Thursday/ Friday
800m repeats with 2 min rest. Do as many as you can until your pace drops by more than 10 seconds.
Do at least 4.

Saturday/ Sunday
Run 5 miles @ 60% of 5k Pace

Conditioning WODs for 6/17

I'm not sure I'll have internet consistently, so here are some conditioning WODs for the week. Stay on track with 5/3/1 if you're on that. I'll also post some endurance WODs... maybe in a separate post.

Warmup for the week 
50’ Bear crawl
40 Sit ups
30 Back ext.
20 Lunges
10 Overhead Squats
5 Pull ups
2 Turkish Getups
100 Single unders

Wall Ball Shots
Toes 2 Bar

"Rahoi" AMRAP 12 min:
12 box jumps (24" or tallest box you can do)
6 Thrusters
6 bar facing burpees

For score
Push ups
Tuck Jumps
Pull ups
Sit ups


Helen: 3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 BD Swing
12 Pull Ups

I know we did this recently. Give it another shot and compare your results.

5 rounds
50' walking lunge with overhead weight 45/25
21 burpees

Last thought
This week and next week are going to be WODs that I did this spring with the group. If you have done them before, compare your results and see how you're doing. If you're not keeping a WOD log yet, get started. That's a key component. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Row & Snatch

400m Row or run
10-20 Pass throughs (look for angles that are tight)
3 x through:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Overhead Squats (stick or light bar)
5 sec L-sit Hold (use 2 benches, chairs, or the dip bars)
10 sec Hand stand hold
15 Supermans

3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
21 Hang Power Snatch, 75/45 pounds


TT 5k (time trial)

Last thought
I don’t think I’ll be able to get to the gym for a while, so I’ll be trying some “travel WODs” to stay active.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Overhead Squats & HS Push Ups

400m Row or run
10-20 Pass throughs (look for angles that are tight)
2 x through:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Overhead Squats (stick or light bar)
5 sec L-sit Hold (use 2 benches, chairs, or the dip bars)
10 sec Hand stand hold
15 Supermans

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Overhead Squats, 95/65 pounds
Handstand Push ups

5/3/1 WK1 Bench Press

Thursday or Friday:
Run: 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on
“Off” can be an easy pace or complete rest as needed. “On” should be fast.

Last thought
 What do you do when you travel? DO you go “on vacation” from your fitness plans? Rest is essential, so we all need some time off, but you don’t need to give up all your gains just because you’re going to be away from the gym for a couple of weeks. There are some great “travel WODs” out there. I’ll post a few that you can have for when you can’t get to the gym.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Strength & Endurance

400m Row or run
10-20 Pass throughs (look for angles that are tight)
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Overhead Squats (stick or light bar)
5 sec L-sit Hold (use 2 benches, chairs, or the dip bars)
10 sec Hand stand hold
15 Supermans


5/3/1 WK1 Deadlift

Thursday or Friday:
Run: 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on
“Off” can be an easy pace or complete rest as needed. “On” should be fast.

Last thought
This is another good day to focus on really learning technique well. The deadlift is a foundational movement and a good place to start. There’s no clock. Form is WAY more important than weight.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hang Power Clean

200' Karaoke 
50 bent over twists 
(with a stick)
50 side to side bends 
(with a stick)
40 Sit ups
20 push ups
20 Back ext. 
3x through the following:
3 candle sticks
10 air squats
10 sec handstand holds
100 single unders (jump rope)

Conditioning WOD
Hang Power Clean, reps of 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 For load and form, not timed.

Take your time and work on form. Use your iPad to film yourself and improve your own form. 



Last thought
“An object that is at rest will tend to stay at rest. An object in motion will tend to stay in motion.”
-Isaac Newton 
So, what are you waiting for? Get moving!  Once you do, you will have momentum on your side. Until then, it’s your enemy.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday 5/11

200' Karaoke 
50 bent over twists (with a stick)
50 side to side bends (with a stick)
40 Sit ups
20 push ups
20 Back ext. 
3x through the following:
3 candle sticks
10 air squats
10 sec handstand holds
100 single unders

Your Choice!
“Cindy” AMRAP 20:00
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
“Mary” AMRAP 20:00
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats (per leg)
15 Pull ups

Shoulder Press
5/3/1 Week 1 or
Working up to a heavy double  

Monday or Tuesday 
17 minutes out, faster back. This is an "out and back" run. Head out in 1 direction or along a route for 17 minutes. Wherever you are at 17 minutes, turn around and get back to the start in less than 17 minutes. 

This kind of workout is great for learning pacing. 

Last thought
There are lots of things that can be important in a fitness program. At the top of the list is consistency. Without it, the best plan is meaningless. 

Update: I've been rescheduled today. I'll be at the weight room at 6 for anyone interested in joining in. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Monday 5/10

200' Karaoke 
50 bent over twists (with a stick)
50 side to side bends (with a stick)
40 Sit ups
20 push ups
20 Back ext. 
3x through the following:
3 candle sticks
10 air squats
10 sec handstand holds
100 single unders

5/3/1/ Week 1
Back Squat

This is a good time to start your strength plan. If you're on 5/3/1 you could do either 3 or 4 days a week. 4 days would be: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. 3 days would be: Mon, Wed, Fri.

For Time:
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Deadlift (75% 1RM)
Handstand Push Ups

So, 10 reps of deadlift, 10 reps of HS push ups, then 9 reps deadlift and 9 HS push ups, etc... 

Monday or Tuesday 

17 minutes out, faster back. This is an "out and back" run. Head out in 1 direction or along a route for 17 minutes. Wherever you are at 17 minutes, turn around and get back to the start in less than 17 minutes. 

This kind of workout is great for learning pacing. 

Last thought
If anyone is interested in working out together tomorrow (Tuesday), we could plan on 4:00 at the gym. I have another benchmark workout planned.