Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekend- Run and Hero WOD

100 single unders
50/50 One foot jump rope 
5 pull ups
10 pass throughs
10 Push Ups
5 Toes to bar
Try a front lever

Lax ball on chest, shoulders, upper back. 


Your choice, but it must be a HERO wod! I was going to put Murph in here, so that works, but feel free to try one you haven't done before. Shoot me a note and lt me know which one you did and how it went. I'd love to know!

Medium long run. I'm thinking 1 hour to 1.5 hours depending on your last long run. 8-10 miles would be great. Go faster than your normal long run pace, but still a relaxed, easy pace. You won't be pushing the distance and time boundary, so you can afford to go a little faster.

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